Ditch Gates LLC Product Disclaimer
- You are buying a water control device.
- You have inspected the device and deemed it free of defect.
- To the extent allowed by local law, this product is provided to you "as is" without warranties or conditions of any kind, whether oral or written, express or implied. Ditch Gates LLC specifically disclaims any implied warranties or conditions for fitness for a particular purpose.
- Ditch Gates LLC neither assumes nor accepts any liability for any loss, damage, theft, misuse, malfunction, etc. of your gate regardless of the cause or reason for any such misfortune. Ditch Gates LLC its officers, and employees will not be liable for lost profits, loss of business or other consequential, special, indirect or punitive damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any third party.
In plain English we are selling you an irrigation gate that you have inspected and accepted in good condition. We are not liable for how you install your gate or what you use it for.